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adzap Filter out animated ad banners from web pages
album Generate HTML albums of images
album_themes Themes for the album generator
amaya Web browser/editor from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
analog Extremely fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
ap-access-referer Apache module for referer-based access control
ap-auth-cookie Cookie-based authentication for Apache
ap-auth-external Apache module for external program authentication
ap-auth-kerb Module to allow Apache authentication using Kerberos
ap-auth-ldap Module to allow apache authentication against an LDAP directory
ap-auth-mysql Module to allow apache authentication against a MySQL database
ap-auth-pam Module to allow Apache authentication using PAM
ap-auth-pgsql Apache module for user authentication/logging against a PostgreSQL DB
ap-auth-postgresql Module to allow apache authentication against a Postgresql database
ap-auth-radius Radius authentication module for Apache
ap-auth-script Apache module for script-based authentication
ap-bandwidth Apache module for bandwidth management
ap-dav Apache WebDAV module
ap-dtcl Simple, fast Tcl server side scripting for apache
ap-Embperl Perl5 library for embedding perl in HTML documents
ap-fastcgi New, improved CGI-like interface module for Apache
ap-gzip On-the-fly GZIP compression for Apache 1.3.x
ap-jk Apache connector for accessing Jakarta Tomcat
ap-layout Apache module to wrap static or dynamic content
ap-modsecurity (V) Intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
ap-modsecurity2 (V) Intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
ap-mp3 Apache module for streaming mp3 files
ap-perl Module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache
ap-php Apache (apache22) module for PHP5
ap-python Python interpreter embedded into Apache
ap-rivet System for creating dynamic web content via Tcl
ap-rpaf Remaps reverse-proxied connections to real requesting IPs
ap-ruby Apache module that embeds Ruby interpreter within
ap-ssl SSL/TLS protocols module for Apache
ap-throttle Apache module for limiting bandwidth usage
ap-xslt Simple, fast XSLT transformations for apache
ap2-auth-external Apache module for external program authentication
ap2-auth-ldap Module to allow apache2 authentication against an LDAP directory
ap2-auth-mysql Module to allow Apache 2 authentication against a MySQL database
ap2-auth-pgsql Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
ap2-auth-radius Module to allow apache2 authentication against a RADIUS server
ap2-auth-xradius Module to allow apache2 authentication against a RADIUS server
ap2-bw Class-based bandwidth limiting module for Apache 2
ap2-chroot Module to easily run Apache in a chroot environment
ap2-fastcgi New, improved CGI-like interface module for Apache
ap2-fcgid Binary compatible alternative to Apache module mod_fastcgi
ap2-jk Apache connector for accessing Jakarta Tomcat
ap2-perl Module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache
ap2-python Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter
ap2-subversion WebDAV server (Apache module) for Subversion
ap2-suphp SuEXEC-like wrapper for PHP scripts
ap2-transform Filter module for Apache 2.0 to do dynamic XSL transformations
ap2-wsgi WSGI module for apache
ap2-xslt2 Apache module able to apply stylesheets to XML data on the fly
apache Apache HTTP (Web) server
apache-tomcat55 The Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 server
apache2 Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2
apache22 Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2
apachetop Real time apache log display
apc-gui Web interface for managing APC (php-apc)
asp2php Converts asp pages to php pages
august Simple Tk-based HTML editor
awstats Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics
bannerfilter Blocks advertising banners as squid redirector script
bins Static HTML photo album generator
bkedit Bookmark manager and editor
bluefish GTK HTML editor for the experienced web designer
blur6ex Weblog and content framework
bozohttpd Bozotic HTTP server; small and secure
browser-bookmarks-menu Easy access to web bookmarks through a GNOME Panel Applet
bugzilla (V) Web based bug tracking system
bugzilla3 (V) Web based bug tracking system
cadaver Command-line WebDAV client
calamaris Squid logfile analyzer
cgic Thomas Boutell's ANSI C library for CGI Programming
cgicc C++ compliant CGI applications libraries
cgilib Common gateway interface library
checkbot Verify links on a set of HTML pages
cherokee Flexible and fast web server
chimera World Wide Web Browser for X Windows
clearsilver Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
clearsilver-base Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
cocoon The Apache Project's XML/XSL based web publishing system
communicator Netscape Communicator browser, version 4 (binary pkg)
crawl Small and efficient HTTP crawler
cronolog Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
curl Client that groks URLs
cvsweb Web interface for browsing a CVS repository
dansguardian Fast, featureful web content filter for Squid proxy servers
dillo Very small and fast graphical web-browser
drivel LiveJournal client for the GNOME Desktop
drraw Simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool
drupal Open source content management system
elinks Extended/Enhanced Links
emacs-w3m Simple w3m interface for Emacs
epiphany The web browser for the GNOME Desktop
epiphany-extensions Extensions for the Epiphany web browser
erubis Fast, secure, and extensible implementation of eRuby
fcgi FastCGI application development kit
ffproxy Filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server
firefox Lightweight gecko-based web browser
firefox-bin Lightweight gecko-based web browser (binary package)
firefox-bin-acroread Acrobat Reader 4 plugin for firefox-bin
firefox-bin-acroread5 Acrobat Reader 5 plugin for firefox-bin
firefox-bin-acroread7 Acrobat Reader 7 plugin for firefox-bin
firefox-bin-flash Flash Player plugin for firefox-bin
firefox-bin-java Java Run Time Environment (JRE) 1.5 plugin for firefox-bin
firefox-bin-nightly Lightweight gecko-based web browser (nightly binary pkg)
firefox-bin-realplayer RealAudio and RealVideo player plugin for firefox-bin
firefox-gtk1 Lightweight gecko-based web browser built with GTK+-1.x
firefox3-bin Lightweight gecko-based web browser (binary package)
galeon GNOME2 Web browser based on gecko
galway Web editor programmed in Scheme
ganglia-webfrontend PHP based frontend for the Ganglia Cluster Monitor
geeklog PHP/MySQL based application for managing dynamic web content
gitweb Web interface for GIT repositories
grail Grail(TM) is a web browser written in Python
gtkasp2php Gtk+ version of utility to convert asp pages to php pages
gtkhtml314 Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
gtkhtml38 Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
haskell-cgi CGI module for the Hugs Haskell 98 interpreter
hiawatha Barebones HTTP server with XML and XSLT support (and more)
horde PHP application framework
htdig WWW indexing and searching system
htdig-devel WWW indexing and searching system
htmldoc Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
htmldoc-x11 Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript (GUI available)
htmlfix Fix latin1 to html entities and/or line endings
htmllint Another HTML-Lint program
http_load Multiprocessing http test client
ijb The Internet Junkbuster Proxy blocks unwanted banner ads and cookies
ikiwiki Wiki compiler
instiki Wiki clone that focuses on simple installation and running
ja-trac Trac issue tracking system with Japanese localization
jakarta-servletapi The Apache project's implementation of the JSP and Java Servlet APIs
jakarta-tomcat4 The Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 server
jakarta-tomcat5 The Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 server
jalbum Web photo album generator
jsdk20 Sun's Java Servlet Development Kit, version 2.0
jssi Java Server-Side Include engine as a JSDK-2.0 servlet
kahua Continuation-based framework to develop application service
kannel Open source WAP and SMS gateway
kazehakase Web browser with multiple layout engines support
kdewebdev3 HTML editor and tools suitable for experienced web developers
kronolith (V) Horde calendar application
lhs Lightweight HTTP Server, IPv6-aware and SSL-enabled
libghttp GNOME http client library
libgtkhtml Lightweight HTML rendering GTK2 widget
libwww The W3C Reference Library
liferea Simple FeedReader clone for reading RSS/RDF feeds
lighttpd Fast, light-footprint HTTP server
links Lynx-like text WWW browser
links-gui Lynx-like text and graphics WWW browser
lynx Alphanumeric display oriented World-Wide Web Client
make_album Generate HTML albums of images
micro_httpd Really small HTTP server than runs from inetd(8)
mimetex CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
mini_httpd Small, forking webserver with IPv6 and SSL support
mknmz-wwwoffle Full text indexing and searching system for wwwoffle's cache directory
mMosaic Modern derivative of NCSA XMosaic
mongrel Fast HTTP library and server for Ruby
mono-xsp Standalone web server written in C#
navigator Netscape Navigator browser, version 4 (binary pkg)
neon HTTP and WebDAV client library
netscape Open new window using netscape-like browser
nginx Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
ns-cult3d (V) Netscape plugin for cult 3d files
ns-plugger-common Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
ns-plugger-communicator Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
ns-plugger-navigator Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
ns-remote Remote-control of Netscape and Mozilla-based browsers
nspluginwrapper Use Netscape compatible plugins from other platforms
nvu Web Authoring System
ocsigen Web programming framework for OCaml
opera Small, fast and customizable WWW client
opera-acroread Acrobat Reader 4 plugin for opera
opera-acroread5 Acrobat Reader 5 plugin for opera
opera-acroread7 Acrobat Reader 7 plugin for opera
opera-plugins Plugins for the Opera browser
p5-Apache-ASP Perl5/Apache module of Perl-coded Active Server Pages
p5-Apache-AuthCookie Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
p5-Apache-AuthCookieDBI Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
p5-Apache-DBILogConfig Database-independent Apache database logger
p5-Apache-DBILogger Database-independent httpd database logging module
p5-Apache-Filter Perl5 module to alter the output of previous Apache handlers
p5-Apache-Gallery Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories
p5-Apache-Reload Perl5 module to reload changed modules
p5-Apache-Session Perl5 module to provide persistent storage
p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper Perl5 module doing a wrapper around Apache::Session
p5-Apache-SSI Perl5 module to implement Server Side Includes
p5-Apache-Test Wrapper for to test an Apache server
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
p5-CGI Perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
p5-CGI_Lite Simple perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
p5-CGI-Application Perl5 module to create sophisticated, reusable web-based applications
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH Easy DBI access from CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM Help validate CGI::Application run modes using Data::FormValidator
p5-CGI-FastTemplate Perl5 extension for managing templates
p5-CGI-FormBuilder Perl5 module for building HTML forms
p5-CGI-Kwiki Quickie Wiki that's not too Tricky
p5-CGI-Minimal Perl5 module for simple CGI scripts
p5-CGI-ProgressBar sub-class with a progress bar object
p5-CGI-Session Perl5 module providing session management across HTTP requests
p5-CSS Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets
p5-CSS-Squish Compact many CSS files into one big file
p5-FCGI Perl5 library for FastCGI, a fast startup alternative to CGI
p5-FCGI-ProcManager Functions for managing FastCGI applications
p5-HTML-Clean Perl5 module that cleans up HTML code for web browsers
p5-HTML-Element-Extended Perl5 modules for managing HTML::Element based objects
p5-HTML-FillInForm Perl5 module that populates HTML Forms with CGI data
p5-HTML-FixEntities Perl5 module to convert latin1 to equivalent HTML
p5-HTML-Format Perl5 modules for converting HTML to other text formats
p5-HTML-LinkExtractor Extract links from an HTML document
p5-HTML-Mason Perl-based web site development and delivery system
p5-HTML-Parser Perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter Perl5 module for pretty-printing HTML
p5-HTML-Prototype Generate HTML and Javascript for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-Prototype-Useful Some useful additions for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-Scrubber Extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
p5-HTML-SimpleParse Perl5 module implementing a bare-bones HTML parser
p5-HTML-StickyQuery Add sticky QUERY_STRING to a tag href attributes
p5-HTML-Stream Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
p5-HTML-Strip Perl5 module for strip HTML tag
p5-HTML-Table Perl5 module to simplify creating HTML tables
p5-HTML-TableExtract Perl5 module to simplify extracting HTML tables
p5-HTML-Tagset Perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
p5-HTML-Template Perl5 module to create HTML templates with simple tags
p5-HTML-Tiny Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation in Perl
p5-HTML-Tree Perl5 modules for manipulating HTML syntax trees
p5-HTML-WikiConverter Convert HTML to wiki markup
p5-HTMLObject Perl5 module to quickly and easily create Dynamic HTML pages
p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent Cache the result of http get-requests persistently
p5-HTTP-DAV HTTP::DAV interface and 'dave'
p5-HTTP-GHTTP Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
p5-HTTP-Lite Lightweight HTTP client implementation
p5-HTTP-Proxy Perl5 module providing a simple HTTP proxy daemon
p5-HTTP-Request-Form Construct HTTP::Request objects for form processing
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple Perl5 module providing a simple standalone HTTP daemon
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Kwiki standalone HTTP server for Kwiki
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason Perl5 module providing a simple mason server
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTPD-User-Manage Perl script/modules for managing web access control
p5-I18N-AcceptLanguage Matches language preference to available languages
p5-Jemplate Javascript Templating with Template Toolkit
p5-JSON (V) Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
p5-JSON-Any (V) Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
p5-Kwiki Extensible, modular, Perl-based Wiki
p5-Kwiki-Archive-Cvs Kwiki page archive using CVS
p5-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs Kwiki page archive using RCS
p5-Kwiki-BreadCrumbs Kwiki breadcrumbs plugin
p5-Kwiki-Edit-RequireUserName Kwiki plugin to require a user name to edit
p5-Kwiki-Favorites Kwiki plugin to bookmark favorite pages
p5-Kwiki-HtmlBlocks Kwiki plugin to display blocks of HTML markup
p5-Kwiki-Icons-Gnome Kwiki GNOME icons plugin
p5-Kwiki-ModPerl Kwiki integration with ModPerl
p5-Kwiki-NewPage Kwiki plugin to create a new Wiki page
p5-Kwiki-Notify-Mail Kwiki email notification plugin
p5-Kwiki-PagePrivacy Kwiki page-level privacy plugin
p5-Kwiki-ParagraphBlocks Kwiki plugin to display paragraphs with embedded whitespace
p5-Kwiki-PreformattedBlocks Kwiki plugin to display preformatted text
p5-Kwiki-RecentChanges Kwiki plugin to display recent changes
p5-Kwiki-Revisions Kwiki revisions plugin
p5-Kwiki-Scode Kwiki Scode plugin to protect against wiki spammers
p5-Kwiki-Search Kwiki search plugin
p5-Kwiki-Simple-Server-HTTP Kwiki plugin to start a standalone Kwiki HTTP server
p5-Kwiki-UserName Kwiki user name plugin
p5-Kwiki-UserPreferences Kwiki user preferences plugin
p5-Kwiki-Users-Remote Kwiki plugin to automatically set user name from HTTP authentication
p5-Kwiki-Weather Weather button and WAFL for your Kwiki
p5-Kwiki-Wikiwyg Kwiki plugin for WYSIWYG editing
p5-Kwiki-Zipcode Kwiki Zipcode Plugin
p5-libapreq Lots of Apache specific httpd handling modules
p5-libapreq2 Lots of Apache specific httpd handling modules
p5-libwww Perl5 library for WWW access
p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate Library for enabling GSSAPI authentication in LWP
p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent Subclass of module LWP::UserAgent that protects you from harm
p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession Perl5 module adding a session to the Mason Request obj
p5-MIME-Lite (V) Perl5 module for simple creation of MIME email messages
p5-RPC-XML (V) XML-RPC client and server library for Perl
p5-SVN-Web Unstable snapshot of Subversion repository browser
p5-SWF-File (V) Manipulating Flash movie (SWF) files
p5-Template-Extract Perl5 module for extracting data structure from TT2-rendered documents
p5-Template-Generate Perl5 module for generating TT2 templates from TT2-rendered documents
p5-Template-Multilingual Subclass of Template Toolkit supporting multilingual templates
p5-Template-Stash-EscapeHTML Escape HTML automatically in Template-Toolkit
p5-Template-Toolkit Perl5 text template and dynamic web page integration toolkit
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize Perl5 module providing testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
p5-Text-CSV-Hash (V) Perl5 module for hash based CSV usage
p5-Text-Substitute (V) Perl5 module for text substitution from hashes
p5-URI Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396)
p5-URI-Fetch Perl module to intelligently fetch syndication feeds
p5-VRML Set of VRML classes for Perl
p5-WWW-Amazon-Wishlist Perl5 module to get details from your Amazon wishlist
p5-WWW-Curl Perl binding interface for curl
p5-WWW-Facebook-API Facebook API implementation
p5-WWW-Mechanize Automates web page form & link interaction
paros HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerabilities
pear-HTML_Common Base PHP class for other HTML classes
pear-HTML_Select PHP class for generating HTML form select elements
pear-HTTP PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
pear-HTTP_Request PHP classes to provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
php-apc Alternative PHP Cache
php-curl PHP extension for curl functions
php-eaccelerator PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache
php-FastTemplate PHP extension for managing templates and variable interpolation
php-filepro (V) PHP extension for read-only filePro database access
php-yp (V) PHP extension for YP domain support
php4 HTML-embedded scripting language
php4-apc Alternative PHP Cache for PHP4
php4-domxml (V) PHP4 extension for DOM support
php4-extensions (V) meta-package for the PHP4 HTML-embedded scripting language
php4-xslt (V) PHP4 extension for XSLT functions (Sablotron backend)
php5-extensions (V) meta-package for the PHP5 HTML-embedded scripting language
plone25 User friendly CMS written on top of ZOPE
plone3 User friendly CMS written on top of ZOPE
pound Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end
privoxy Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
py-clearsilver Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
py-curl Python module interface to the cURL library
py-django Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py-flup WSGI support modules
py-HTMLgen Class library for the generation of HTML documents
py-jonpy Tools for FastCGI/CGI Python programs
py-moin Python clone of WikiWiki
py-nevow Next-generation web application templating system
py-swish-e Simple Python binding for Swish-E
py-webpy Simple, public domain web publishing system
qDecoder Web Application Interface for C/C++ (CGI Library)
raggle Console-based screen(1)-aware RSS reader written in Ruby
rails Framework for developing database-backed web applications
ruby-actionpack Two-step approach to web response generation
ruby-activeresource Object-relational mapping for REST webservices
ruby-borges Ruby web application framework
ruby-clearsilver Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
ruby-fcgi FastCGI interface for Ruby
ruby-htmlsplit Ruby HTML split/join library
ruby-mechanize Library to automate interaction with websites
ruby-tag Ruby Simple HTML Tag library for CGI
ruby-webunit HTTP unit testing framework for Ruby
sarg Squid-Cache proxy server Analysis Report Generator
screws SCRipt Enhanced Web Server
seamonkey Full featured gecko-based browser
seamonkey-bin Full-featured gecko-based browser suite (binary package)
seamonkey-bin-flash Flash Player plugin for seamonkey-bin
seamonkey-bin-java Java Run Time Environment (JRE) 1.5 plugin for seamonkey-bin
seamonkey-bin-nightly Full-featured gecko-based browser suite (nightly binary pkg)
seamonkey-gtk1 Full featured gecko-based browser built with GTK1
serf High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
sitecopy Utility for synchronizing remote and local web sites
skipstone Light and fast Gecko-based browser
snarf Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
snownews Small, curses based RSS feed reader
sope Set of frameworks for a complete web application server environment
SpeedyCGI Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently
spfc's Server Page Foundation Classes
squid Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
squidGuard Ultrafast and free filter, redirector and access controller for Squid
squidpurge Squid cache tool to list, extract or purge objects
squirm Redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache
surfraw Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web
swiftsurf Web proxy that can handle http and https
swiggle Lightweight image gallery generator
swill The Simple Web Interface Link Library
swish-e Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
tcl-cgi Library of Tcl procedures to assist in writing CGI scripts
tcl-dom (V) DOM implementation for use with TclXML or TclExpat
tcl-expat (V) XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl
tcl-xml (V) XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl
tds (V) Web diary system
thttpd Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
thy Tiny and fast HTTP daemon
tidy Fixes and tidies up HTML files
tinyproxy Lightweight HTTP/SSL proxy
trac Subversion repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
urlget Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
urlgrabber Python package that drastically simplifies the fetching of files
varnish High-performace HTTP accelerator
viewvc Viewing the content of CVS/SVN repositories with a Webbrowser
visitors Very fast web log analyzer
w3 World Wide Web browser for Emacs
w3c-httpd WWW server from the W3 Consortium (W3C)
w3m Multilingualized version of a pager/text-based browser w3m
w3m-img Multilingualized version of a pager/text-based browser w3m with inline image support
waplet Java applet-based WAP emulator and WML browser
wApua Web browser for WAP WML
wdg-validate HTML validator from the Web Design Group
webalizer Web server log file analysis program
weblint HTML validator and sanity checker
webnew Retrieve modification times of web documents
websvn Subversion repository web frontend
weex Non-interactive ftp client
whisker URL scanner used to search for known vulnerable CGIs on websites
wiliki WikiWiki clone written in Scheme
wml Web Meta Language
www6to4 Lightweight http proxy, helps IPv4 only browsers
wwwcount Graphical access counter, clock and date indicator for WWW pages
wwwoffle WWW proxy with support for offline browsing
xp (V) James Clark's non-validating XML Parser for Java
zope-ejsplitter Japanese word splitter for searching text in Zope Products
zope-jamailhost Zope hotfix Product to send mail in Japanese
zope210 Zope 2.10.5, the Z Object Publishing Environment
zope25 Zope, the Z Object Publishing Environment
zope25-AbracadabraObject Pre-configured objects with only one click
zope25-BackTalk Editing, commenting, and publication for books
zope25-BTreeFolder Store a lot of objects in a single folder
zope25-BTreeFolder2 Optimized folder
zope25-Calendar The Calendar Tag
zope25-CMF Content Management Framework for Zope
zope25-CMFPlone Content Management System
zope25-colorz Color management tool
zope25-CookieCrumbler Cookie-based authentication
zope25-DocumentLibrary Searchable and browsable document libraries
zope25-EasyImage Image extension for Zope
zope25-Epoz Wysiwyg editor component
zope25-ExternalEditor Use an external editor to modify Zope objects
zope25-FileSystemSite Store data in the file system instead of ZODB
zope25-Formulator Zope framework for web forms
zope25-Fortune Randomly-selected fortune cookie
zope25-JPicture Present your photos quickly in zope
zope25-KnowledgeKit Automatic creation and maintenance of Knowledge Bases
zope25-LocalFS Local file access for zope
zope25-MailManager Mail management and issue tracking
zope25-MetaPublisher Data table and access form tool
zope25-ParsedXML Allows you to use XML objects in the Zope environment
zope25-Photo Photo object and Photo Folder object
zope25-PropertyFolder The folderish friend of the PropertyObject
zope25-PropertyObject Building database-applications with the ZMI
zope25-RDFSummary Display content from other web sites via RSS
zope25-RenderableCharts Drawings with reportlab's graphics toolkit
zope25-Silva Browser based publication system
zope25-Squishdot News publishing and discussion product for Zope
zope25-StripoGram Converting HTML to Plain Text
zope25-TinyTablePlus Improved TinyTable
zope25-XMLWidgets Dynamic translations of ParsedXML documents to HTML
zope25-Zippy Insert random 'Zippy the Pinhead' quotes into your documents
zope25-ZMySQLDA MySQL Database adaptor for Zope
zope25-ZNavigator Creating navigation bars
zope25-zopebook Documentation for Zope-2.5
zope25-ZPhotoSlides Present your photos quickly in zope
zope25-ZPsycopgDA PostgreSQL database adapter for Zope
zope25-ZWeather Display the weather in a pleasant format
zope25-ZWiki Wiki clone for Zope
zope29 Zope 2.9.8, the Z Object Publishing Environment
zope3 Zope 3 Application Server
zopeedit Helper client application for Zope's ExternalEditor